Hi girls! I hope your week is going well! Where in the world has the time gone? Can you believe it’s time for Thanksgiving?! That also means BLACK FRIDAY and all the sales!! I for one, can’t wait to do some shopping! We have sooo much we need to get for the new house, but you know I will be sneaking in some cute outfits
On to today’s post. This comfy cozy outfit is PERFECT for Thanksgiving dinner. It’s comfy and cozy, plus, these faux leather leggings are great for all the food goodness!! And who doesn’t love a cute quarter zip pull over? After all that food and rest, you can definitely go out shopping in this! Super comfy, and easy to wiggle around all those sales racks in!!
Make sure you are checking back on my <a href=”www.instagram.com/tabathabaconblog”>instagram</a> throughout the week for more Thanksgiving inspiration!
Until next time-