Hello and welcome to TabathaBacon.com. Pull up a chair and stay a while. I started this little side hustle because I love to write. If I am honest, I didn’t always have a love for fashion and beauty; I was a complete tomboy growing up! I give all credit to Lauren Conrad for sparking an interest. 

My hope for TabathaBacon.com is to make this a safe space all my friends can come for advice on fashion, cooking, all things oils, and life in general. We have a little bit of everything going on here! Everyone is welcome, and I hope you find something you love. We may get pretty deep here sometimes, while others we will be laughing our butts off. It’s real. It’s raw. It’s Tabatha.


Is your name really Tabatha Coffey Bacon?

I get this a lot, but yes. It really is. My maiden name is Coffey. My married name is Bacon. I mean I couldn’t just drop “Coffey”. So here we are. Tabatha Coffey Bacon.

How did you meet your husband?

Funny you should ask. I slid into his DM’s with a “hey, you’re pretty cute.” No, I am not joking. That was literally what happened. What a story for our grandkids.

Are you really THAT obsessed with Gossip Girl? 

Absolutely. I have watched it 7 times through now. AND NO I AM NOT JOKING. I just don’t know about this new version though. If it ain’t Chuck and Blair, I don’t want it. I have a love hate relationship with Serena. I love Blake Lively, but man- I like Serena less and less every time I watch it.

Anymore babies in your future?

Oh yes. If they were all like Blair, I would have 5. If you knew me before your mouth just fell to the ground. We will see after our next miracle if we decide we want more. Right now we are leaning towards three. Also, I would love to adopt a little later in life. It is all in the Lord’s hands though, and our story is already written. We are just waiting to see what he has in store for our family.

What is your sizing?

I am 5’7 and normally wear size Small. Pants normally 0-2 depending on the brand.