Dear Blair,
Oh my precious rainbow baby. Where do I even begin? Your daddy and I prayed many prayers, and cried many tears for you. You are nothing short of a miracle, and I thank God for you every single day.
It is so surreal to have you here with us. Sometimes at night, all I can do is sit and look at you while crying happy tears. I have always heard you never know love until you have a child, and that is more than true. I love you so much more than I ever thought possible.
I sit and watch you change every single day. I watch you learn new things, and accomplish new milestones cheering you on. I often wonder what you are going to grow up to be. Will you grow up to help find a cure for cancer? Will you be a lawyer (You already argue with your lion and monkey- so that is a possibility)? Will you want to be a stay at home mommy? No matter what you decide, just know we will support you every step of the way.
As I am coming to a close to this letter, I just want you to know I promise to do my very best at being your mommy. I hope we can be best friends one day. I know the teenage years will be rough if you are anything like me, but I will always be here waiting with open arms. Every accomplishment, every heartache, every little thing, I will be right here.
Blair, thank you so much for making me the luckiest momma in the world. Just know you are a miracle from God. Without him, absolutely nothing is possible. Give him all the glory and nothing is impossible. Thank you for letting your daddy and I love you. Thank you for making us parents. We love you. I love you.
One Response
Thank you for the tears this morning. This is precious and you and Tyler are awesome parents. Blair is a very lucky little girl. Love you guys!
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