the season of “busy” has officially begun. today starts holiday season, for most. yet, today brings another level of hustle for some people. as black friday is literally here- a sense of pressure is also creeping in. the wants and needs (I say this lightly because some are needs- some just think they are needs when in all reality they are wants) being shown to us and promoted over the next couple of days are in high quantity. here is the thing. the sales will come and go. are some of them KILLER deals? absolutely. will they go on sale again? more than likely. this day. this moment. you will not get it back.
I am not sure if I am getting wiser with age (kidding) or if having a baby has completely shifted my outlook on life, but something has changed. to me, spending the holidays with my family mean more than any gift you can buy at a store. do I love a good sale? absolutely. I just woke up before the butt crack of dawn to go shop at a local store (salt of the earth) and spent way too much money on myself. however, I know I personally get way too consumed on what to get others. we try our best to get what everyone wants. to spend the same amount of money on everyone. I will be honest, sometimes it stresses. me. out. holidays shouldn’t be that way. christmas is so much more than about gifts.
one thing I am trying to do this year is support small and/or local business. so far, the majority of my list is compiled of things that fit into this criteria. these businesses have been hit harder than any other business during the pandemic, and I want to do my part to helping them succeed. something else I am trying to do, is “experiences”. for example, we have a small pottery place downtown called the pink pig. I plan to purchase my nieces gift certificates to go there and paint whatever they want! if you have never been there, and our local to the morristown area, do yourself a favor and go. it is such a cute little place. this also falls in line with the supporting small and local business. plus, things like this are not toys that just get tossed aside when the next favorite comes along. (and for the love of GOD if you are reading this and get a christmas gift for my child- we. do. not. need. toys)
I say(write) all this to say, let’s try to remember what the holidays are all about. family and friends. celebration. love. it’s not about who can buy the best gift or the most expensive toy. its about spending time with those you love. what I would give to have one more christmas with my papaw that passed away unexpectedly this year. we never know when it may be the last holiday season we get to spend with someone. I personally do not want to take that for granted.
also, please do not stress yourself out or overspend to keep up with what every blogger or ad says you NEED (I am guilty of saying this as well. I promise I am trying to do better). cute clothes and new technology are nice things, but at the end of the day- they do not matter.
I know this post has been all over the place. I will be honest, I have been working on it for a few days now and my precious angel baby has not allowed me to think straight enough (or have my laptop out long enough) to finish it. if you have kept up, you need a gold star. I had to reread it three times just to make sure I made some lick of sense. just remember. (most) people will be so happy just to spend time with you. gifts are great, but not necessary. family and friends mean so much more than any monetary value. enjoy this holiday season.