Wow. How are we halfway through January already? Let me tell you. Life with a newborn moves very swiftly. I am down to my last 4 weeks of maternity leave, and I honestly can’t believe it. It is absolutely breaking my heart to leave her to go back to work. If 2020 taught me anything, it was to enjoy every moment.
I am not just meaning every moment I have with her (even though I could just sit and stare at her perfect little face all day). 2020 taught me to enjoy every moment with every aspect of life. Every moment with family. Every moment with your spouse. Every moment with friends. Every moment alone. Every moment at your job. Literally every moment.

If having a child in a pandemic has taught me anything, it is the importance of family. Blair is the shining star of 2020, and no-one can convince me otherwise. However, our family has not been able to love on her like I wish they could. She still has people in our extended family she has not met yet, and it breaks my heart. I know in due time, she will be able to meet them. The day she was born is going down in history as one of the best days of my life, but having no visitors at the hospital is not how I imagined celebrating the birth of my first child. Don’t worry, I have a blog post coming all about Blair’s birth and a recap of my pregnancy. So we will finish this conversation later.
2020 also taught me what I want my “Word of the Year” to be. Intention. I want to be more intentional in my life. In every aspect. I want to be intentional in my time with my husband, with my baby, my extended family. I want to be more intentional with what I post on social media. Whether it be Instagram, Facebook, or my blog- I want my messages to leave a mark. I want to inspire people. I want to remind people they can accomplish anything they set their hearts and minds too. I want to be more intentional in the time I spend in my bible studies, and prayer. Not just read it and go on. Not just go through the motions of prayer, really pray and seek him out.
If you have ever met me in person- you would know I am an introverted extrovert, technically speaking I am an omnivert. Hard to believe if you have never been around me in “real life”. I have a small group of “close friends” that cherish, and BOY DO I MISS HANGING OUT WITH THEM WHENEVER I WANT TO. I cannot wait to go into a restaurant without a ridiculous wait time due to limited capacity. Or go shopping without wearing a mask. I am just so ready for things to go back to semi normal, but I have learned to enjoy the moments I do have with these friends and be intentional in them as well.
Many people look at 2020 as a terrible year. I look at it as a year I was truly blessed. Our rainbow baby was born. I was able to keep my job. I have been lucky enough not to lose anyone to the virus. Tyler and I were able to spend A LOT of quality time together. 2020 taught me I needed to be in the moment. Not look forward– not look back. Just be present. And just let Tyler win everyone and then. Let him dress Blair in full Packers getup. 🙂