Designer handbags. Louboutin heels. A style that mimics the “successful” women. A pool. A fancy “cloffice”. I can rattle off a ton more THINGS I thought would make me a successful blogger. Guess what? None of that is true. None of those things are needed to be a blogger.
** Let me insert here that I have had this post started in my drafts for a WHILE now. I have been a little scared to post it, to be honest. My sweet friend Courtney posted something over the weekend that made me finish this and actually be excited to hit publish!**
I get asked this question often, surprisingly. I am in no way a professional, and honestly– have no idea what I am doing most of the time. HOWEVER, I do think I am starting to figure this out. Do you want to know the TWO things you absolutely NEED to be a blogger? Are you ready for this?

The two things you NEED are passion and drive. Yep. That simple. I mean, I know you need some form of computer to write on, and if you want to have photos on your post- either a camera or a smart phone, but you know what I mean. You need to have a passion for what you are trying to blog about. You need drive and determination to remain consistent, and to keep pushing even when you do not feel like it. Trust me. Those times will happen.
And you know what? I have tried way too long to be what I thought I needed to be, to make it. I do not have once specific style. Some days you will catch me with a band tee and blazer, and other times… I am in jeans and blouse. If I were to classify my style, I think it would just be… me. A mix of edgy and classic. Those two normally do NOT mix, but you know what? They do for me, and that’s okay!
When I “re-vamped” my blog, I almost didn’t use the green tones. Why? Because no one else had it. All the successful bloggers have pink and purple. Want to know a secret about me? I hate pink. It is growing on me with Blair in the picture, but I mean you would RARELY see me in pink or have anything pink before…. Except my home office… BECAUSE I WANTED TO BE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. So guess who is now redoing her home office? Thats right. Me. Guess what colors and theme we are going for? Black, green, and gold with edgy touches. I would have saved so much money if I had just stayed true to myself in the beginning.

I say all this to say– Just be you. If you want to become a successful blogger, just be yourself. Remember- you are not for everyone. Not everyone is going to like you. Here is another secret, not everyone is going to be nice to you. Not everyone is what they seem online. Some people you look up to in this world are not what you think they are. Some will even discourage you from doing this, trust me. I know. (This is a story for a different day, and I don’t even know that it’s worth sharing. I do not want to give anyone the pleasure of knowing they took up so much of my time worrying.) If you take nothing else from this post, listen to this: THERE IS PLENTY OF ROOM FOR YOU HERE, SISTER. If you want to be a blogger, do it. Start. You are the only you. No one is like you, and that is your super power. So here’s to you. Do you have a passion for white tee’s and how to style them? Blog about it. Do you have a passion for easy, few ingredient recipes? Write them out. Whatever your passion is you want to blog about, just get it out there. You’ve got this!

4 Responses
This was very beautiful and true to everyone out there! Even if you are not a blogger, just be you. Don’t ever give in to what everyone else thinks you should be doing. Keep going Tabatha! You are very talented.
thank you so so much!
Way to go girl!! I struggled with this same issue for years and I’m so happy to see other bloggers start recognizing it and calling it out. Comparison almost ruined blogging for me! Thanks for sharing your heart!
It’s so hard not to compare! It is also absolutely exhausting trying to be something you are not. So thankful to realize what was causing me the unhappiness!
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