the irony in waking up on the first monday in 2022 to a beautiful snow made me smile. God works in mysterious ways. we had a christmas in the 70’s with, in my opinion, no snow in sight. boy was i wrong. when i woke up, i just smiled and said “i see you, God. i see you.”
if you are wondering why that is so ironic to me, i finally chose a word of the year. i went back and forth with a few, but i ended up on simplicity. now, to most- that would not mean a thing to anyone. however, to me, that word means a lot. i tend to overthink e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g and stress myself out. i overdo things. i overreact to things that most of the time, do not need any reaction. so, my word of the hear is to simplicity. there is no need to overcomplicate everything, when most things can be simple.
another area i want to “simplify” is my home. i know that sounds crazy, but i overcomplicate things inside my home as well. my pantry? doesnt need to be complicated. i can simplify that. my closet? i will need the guiding hand of the lord himself, but i can simplify that. i tend to overcomplicate homemaking, when in all reality it’s not complicated. i just need to find my way in that area as well. (not downplaying homemaking because it is hard but again, i tend to overcomplicate things).
back to the irony, something that seems so complicated to us, is so simple to God. i told tyler yesterday there was no way we would get snow because of how warm ( okay- hot) it had been just a day before. and just like that, God simply proved me wrong and we woke up to a beautiful first snow of the season. now, that may not make sense to anyone but me. however, to me- that was the proof i needed that simplicity needed to be brought into my life.
happy new years friends. i hope 2022 is good to you. have you chosen your word of the year, yet?

One Response
You probably know this since we are the same person, but I overthink everything too! I am still trying to pick my word of the year!
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